Symon Gould:
The film arts guild (N.-York)

(Van den Voorzitter der bovengenoemde amerikaansche vereeniging voor zelfstandige filmkunst ontvangen wij, behalve eenige artikelen en gedrukte bijdragen, welke wij later in een exposé over de ‘Little Theatre’-beweging in Amerika denken te verwerken, de volgende beknopte inlichtingen betreffende zijn aan de Filmliga verwante organisatie:)


I am indeed inspired to learn that there exists in Amsterdam a branch of the ‘Avant'garde’ of the cinema We in America under the auspices of the Film Arts Guild have been pioneering in this direction for two years and we are pleased to report that this movement is very successful inasmuch as today it numbers fourteen little cinemas in such cities as New-York, East Orange, Chicago, Washington, Baltimore, Brooklyn and Cleveland who give daily performances from eleven in the morning to eleven at night, week after week. The outstanding theatre of this group is the Cameo Theatre, presided over by the Film Arts Guild which is the pioneering cinema, having inaugurated these special programs in Jan. 1926. Before that the Film Arts Guild felt out the public interest in the idea of special programs by presenting films on Sundays only and the response was so gratifying that it became a permanent affair at the Cameo Theatre. During the course of our existence we have presented some of the outstanding films of Europa and America in repertoire and we also sponsored the American premières of such films as ‘Potemkin’, ‘The Gorilla Hunt’, ‘Three Wax Works’ (‘Wachsfigurenkabinett’), ‘Hintertreppen’, ‘Shattered’ (‘Scherben’) and many others.
